Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tube Watch (Week of March 20th)

Hi Everyone,
Just checking in to let you know what the Great Stories family have been watching at home in our living rooms and snuggled in bed.

Chris watched You're Next, a home invasion horror movie, much to his wife's chagrin.  Yes, banished to the office to watch on the PC since this movie was not sanctioned as acceptable.  LOL.  He recommends it if you are looking for a good intense movie experience.  He did happen to watch the comedy Last Vegas (with Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Robert DeNiro, and Kevin Kline), to make up for his "poor taste", with his wife.

Marcel watched Hours, starring the late Paul Walker, but claims the movie was a bit disappointing.  For a 12 year old, he has some pretty sophisticated taste in movies.  He does recommend Freebirds, the time traveling turkey movie with Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson providing voices, as well as Justice League: War (the animated DC movie).

Melissa watched the Disney animated classic Peter Pan.  Heck, anything with Tinkerbell is going to find a prominent place on her viewing list. She also continues to catch up with the rest of the world viewing Lost Season Three episodes (only the best tv show in the last couple of decades!).

Our friend and sometimes columnist Rob watched all thirteen episodes of the just released Clone Wars:  The Lost Missions as well as Perks of Being a Wallflower (drama/romance), which stars Emma Watson, Ezra Miller, and Logan Lerman.  He recommends both very highly, but what does a man who thinks Moon Knight is the greatest character in the Marvel Universe know?  ;)

And finally, our friend Jim spent his week watching lots of classics including North By Northwest (Hitchcock), My Fair Lady (Audrey Hepburn), and The Owl and the Pussycat (with Barbara Streisand).  He especially recommends North By Northwest, as one of Hitchcock's best films!  On the more recent front, he viewed Inside Lleweyn Davis, a movie about the folk music scene in 1970's era Greenwich Village, which he also recommends highly even though the lead character is a "complete jerk".  LOL.  Plainly spoken Jim!

What are you watching this week?

We'll check back in again in a week to let you know the next movie Chris picks that gets him ex-communicated from the bedroom once again!

-The Great Stories Team

1 comment:

  1. I love Tinkerbell! Did you know there is a new Pirate Fairy movie being released in early April? Tink stars in this movie along side a new fairy that is a pirate, hmm... I hope she is a good pirate...
